Hydrostatic pressure (vertical movement through basement slabs) and underground springs can surface anywhere. Construction or grading on a site even in another neighborhood or site can direct groundwater towards your structures. A clear knowledge of hydrology, soils and structure is critical when dealing with subsurface or groundwater as it relates to your home. This is not your maintenance company’s expertise. Don’t take chances – Call the experts at Stormwater Professionals to evaluate your groundwater source and develop the best methods for remediation.

Interior Draintile Systems

Drywall is a food-source for molds. Interior mold can cause a variety of illnesses, allergies, and even death. These spores do not go away and need to be removed and contained by a professional, so they do not contaminate the rest of the home. Water at the base of a foundation can indicate a failed exterior draintile system allowing hydrostatic water (water moving from the ground up) to infiltrate the concrete block, and in some cases, crack the basement floor itself.

If the source of the water is from the ground up, an interior draintile system is installed to direct hydrostatic water pressure into a sump pit, where it is pumped to the surface and away from the foundation. An interior draintile system is not installed to bring surface water into the house. This would basically be recirculating the water and wasting the electricity from the sump pump.

Sump crocks/pits, pumps and piping must be sized to accommodate the areas drained and the amount of water flow. Rigid piping within the draintile system will ensure consistent flow.

Sump crocks/pits, pumps and piping must be sized to accommodate the areas drained and the amount of water flow. Rigid piping within the draintile system will ensure consistent flow.

Drystreams and bioswales work to slow down water, spread out it out, and infiltrate it into the soils below, reducing erosion and sediment runoff.

Drystreams and bioswales work to slow down water, spread out it out, and infiltrate it into the soils below, reducing erosion and sediment runoff.

A catch basin, set within an intense stormwater path, assist in the mitigation of the flow.

Lining the swale with filter cloth, allows water to infiltrate, while limiting vegetative growth.

Drystreams serve to reduce erosion, infiltrate and direct water. Material selection is site-specific, to compliment the landscape.

Drystreams serve to reduce erosion, infiltrate and direct water. Material selection is site-specific, to compliment the landscape.

Drystreams serve to reduce erosion, infiltrate and direct water. Material selection is site-specific, to compliment the landscape.

Prior to mitigation, this lower-level flooded during storms.